Vadon Live

Wilderness Association

The VADON („Wilderness”) Association was founded in the autumn of 2012 with the aim of designing and implementing projects based on natural values.

Covasna County (Transylvania – Romania) and Szeklerland are extremely rich in natural values ​​and their intelligent use can contribute significantly to raising public awareness and economic development of the region.
Clean air, clear water, rich forests, wildlife, thousands of mineral water springs, starry sky, flowering meadows, the Székely hospitality, the warm atmosphere of their homes - all are values ​​that few can be proud of and which are worth building the future on.
The President of the Association is Magyarósi Imola-Piroska, and the Executive Director is Demeter János. The team: Bajkó László, Biró Rózsa, Csibi-Duka István, Farkas Ottó, Ferencz Boglárka, Keresztély Kamilla, Kiss Ernő-Kund, Nagy Eszter, Nagy Zsolt, Sebestyén Dávid-Sámuel, Török Enikő-Mária, Vári Brigitta-Aurélia and Vitályos Péter.
Our mission is to help you get to know this beautiful area so rich in history, culture and natural values ​– Szeklerland.
Payments by Netopia
Termeni si conditii
Politica retur
Politică de Confidențialitate - GDPR

CUI: RO30975376
Adresa: 520003, Sfântu Gheorghe
Str. Gróf Mikó Imre, nr. 11
jud. Covasna, România
Telefon:+40 0720 000 707